Making every brain tumour count.


Estimated Cases

In 2021 it is estimated that there will be ~27 new primary brain tumours diagnosed every day in Canada*.

24.7/100,000 /year

New Cases

24.72 new cases of primary brain tumours were estimated per 100,000 population per year*.


Non-malignant diagnosis

Non-malignant tumours account for almost two thirds of all primary brain tumours.

* Estimates are based on data from Ontario, the province with non-malignant tumour rates that are closest to expected rates. Given low variation in malignant tumour rates across the country, we do not expect a wide range of non-malignant tumour rates within Canada. Therefore, the Ontario rate provides a reasonable proxy for the overall Canadian rate, until a greater proportion of expected non-malignant tumours are captured in other provinces/territories. Estimates using data from the entire country and stratified by province/territory are shown in the report, along with a discussion about data quality issues and initiatives.

Making every brain tumour count



Meningioma is the most common primary brain tumour in females (6.68/100,000).
Le méningiome est la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus fréquente chez les femmes (6,68/100 000).


Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumour in males (4.98/100,000).
Le glioblastome la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus répandue chez les hommes (4,98/100 000).


Incidence rates increase with age, but there are some exceptions.
En général, les taux d’incidence augmentent avec l’âge, à quelques exceptions près.


Embryonal tumours are the most common brain tumour among 0 – 4 year olds.
Les tumeurs embryonnaires sont les tumeurs cérébrales les plus répandues chez les tout-petits âgés de 0 à 4 ans.


Most common brain tumour within children 5-14 is pilocytic astrocytoma.
Les tumeurs cérébrales les plus fréquentes chez les enfants âgés de 5 à 14 ans sont les astrocytomes pilocytiques.


Brain Tumour Survival Rates

of patients with a primary brain tumour survive 5 or more years.


Non-Malignant Survival Rates

of non-malignant brain tumour patients survive 5 or more years.


Malignant Survival Rates

of malignant primary brain tumour patients survive 5 or more years.

Survival rates for all primary brain tumours are lower in older age groups.

Survival rates for all primary brain tumours are lower in older age groups.
Les taux de survie pour les personnes touchées par une tumeur cérébrale primaire est plus bas chez les groupes de personnes plus âgées.
6% of men with glioblastoma survive 5 or more years.

6% of men with glioblastoma survive 5 or more years.

6% of men with glioblastoma survive 5 or more years.
6% des hommes atteints de glioblastome survivent cinq ans et plus.
60% of women with malignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years whereas 88% of women with nonmalignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years.

60% of women with malignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years whereas 88% of women with nonmalignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years.

60% of women with malignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years whereas 88% of women with non-malignant meningiomas survive 5 or more years.
60% des femmes atteintes de méningiomes malins survivent 5 ans ou plus et 88% des femmes atteintes de méningiomes non malins survivent 5 ans ou plus.